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Welcome to Serenity Meadows PMA Our Farm is a diversified "pasture farm" providing our customers with grass-fed
beef, milk, free-range broiler chicken, and eggs.
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High-Quality Farm Products Our Farm is a diversified "pasture farm" providing our customers with grass-fed
beef, milk, free-range broiler chicken, eggs, and woodland pork.
Contact Us
Organic & Natural Farming Foods Our Farm is a diversified "pasture farm" providing our customers with grass-fed
beef, milk, free-range broiler chicken, eggs, and woodland pork.
Contact Us
Hello and Welcome to

Serenity Meadows PMA

Our Values

In The Unsettling of America, Wendel Berry wrote: “While we live our bodies are moving particles of the earth, joined inextricably both to the soil and to the bodies of other living creatures.  It is hardly surprising, then, that there should be some profound resemblances between the treatment of our bodies and our treatment of the earth.”  As farmers we are producing the very nutrition that defines human health.  If we use tillage, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, wormers, vaccines, or other disturbance, we impact all ecosystems-the soil, the water, the air, and society.  At Serenity Meadows PMA we take responsibility for our actions.  Feel free to e-mail, call, or come over for a visit.  The foods we put into our mouths have the ability to either heal us or harm us.  We have a choice!

Non-Certified Organic Grass Fed Beef And Grass Finished

We are a Regenerative pasture based farm. Do you ever worry that the item at the center of your dinner plate could be full of toxins that could be hurting your family? Over the years we’ve learned how to raise meat in a way that harnesses the vitality of healthy land, bringing it right to your plate. Meats raised on pasture can be nutrient-dense and clean, and can taste better than we thought possible. We offer easy and affordable ways to make farm to table eating a part of every meal you eat at home!

Choose your cuts or purchase a pre-determined bundle! We have something for everyone: from pastured chicken, free range eggs, pork cuts, and grass-fed beef – all the way to fresh produce and canned goods including beeswax, pickles, jams, and jellies! Coming soon honey.  Pick what you like and pick it up.

Healthy food
Family Owned and operated
70 Acres Of Farmland
Best equipment
Natural & organic

Grass Fed Buffalo Available in Store Only!

what we do

Our Products

Our Team

Serenity Family





Kristie Court


Jed Court

Father/ Husband

Naomi and Malachi
















Kristie Court


Jed Court

Father/ Husband

Naomi and Malachi





Hello and Welcome

Farming Practice

farming practice for
Grass-fed beef

We rotate the beef herd to fresh pasture every 1 - 3 days, moving them to a new temporary paddock using portable electic fencing from April through November.

Grass-Fed Beef
farming practice for
Raw Milk

Unlike the milk you typically find at the grocery store, raw milk is not pasteurized or homogenized. This means that it comes straight from the cow (or goat or sheep) and is as close to its natural state as possible. The milk is simply filtered and cooled to preserve its freshness and nutrients.

farming practice for
Meat Chickens

Pasture chickens, also known as meat birds, are raised in a distinctive manner that emphasizes sustainability and animal welfare.

farming practice for
Soy Free pork

Raising soy-free pigs involves a meticulous approach to animal husbandry, ensuring that their diet is devoid of soy products.

farming practice for

We rotate the beef herd to fresh pasture every 1 - 3 days, moving them to a new temporary paddock using portable electic fencing from April through November.

farming practice for

Organic vegetables are farmed using methods that emphasize environmental sustainability and soil health. Farmers employ crop rotation, green manures, and composting to maintain soil fertility and structure.

tasty & healthy

Monthly ish Farmbox

Our menu changes Monthly ish according to what's fresh, local, and in-season. With our service, you get more control of what goes in your box, and you can make up to 5 substitutions in every delivery!

featured products

Our Products

Updates on the Farm

Farm News


10 Am-8PM


Hello and Welcome

Contact Us

N3793 Hample Rd,Black Creek, WI 54106